We Design & Develop

IBDA is the inception of tangible reality from abstract imagination. Our strength lies in a dedicated team, bringing together talented individuals from leading international tech firms. Rooted in a culture that prioritizes customers, we understand your unique needs, aiming to exceed expectations at every step.

Our team upholds world-class standards and possesses diverse skills cultivated through global experiences. This diversity resonates with clients' varied needs, ensuring solutions tailored to specific challenges.

IBDA is more than a technology partner; we're your ally in turning dreams into reality. We immerse ourselves in understanding your goals and challenges, committed to delivering solutions that surpass aspirations.

About Us
Our Services
Embedded Systems

In the realm of Embedded Systems, we specialize in critical sectors like Automotive, Avionics, Medical, and Industrial ensuring our systems drive optimal performance.


In IoT, we excel at connecting devices for intelligent data-driven solutions, crafting scalable and robust IoT applications for seamless integration and enhanced functionality.

Full Stack Development

From Full Stack to MERN and MEAN technologies, our Web Application expertise guarantees the creation of user-friendly, robust, and scalable platforms.

Mobile App Development

With proficiency in Android and iOS platforms, our Mobile Application Development team crafts intuitive and high-performance apps.

Arificial Intelligence

Our expertise includes building and fine-tuning through NLP and computer vision models, providing comprehensive solutions at the forefront of AI innovation.

Data Science

Data Science is our forte, transforming raw data into actionable insights, unleashing the potential of information to drive strategic decisions.


DevOps is more than a methodology; it's our commitment to seamless software development and deployment, ensuring efficiency & collaboration.


With Cloud expertise, we transcend traditional boundaries, providing scalable and secure solutions that leverage the power of cloud platforms.

Block Chain

Blockchain is not just a buzzword; it's the foundation of our commitment to secure, transparent, and decentralized solutions.


Onboarding time depends on project size and needs. Usually, it takes 3-6 months. We carefully tailor the team to match your project's unique requirements, ensuring a seamless fit in terms of scale and duration.

We offer two services - a team-building plan for custom teams based on your needs, and a fixed bid plan with cost estimates tailored to your project. Choose the plan that aligns best with your project and business goals.

Use Jira's real-time tracking features for instant visibility into tasks, timelines, and project status. Dashboards and reporting tools provide transparency, keeping you informed throughout the project lifecycle.

We prioritize data security, following the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard. Encryption, regular vulnerability assessments, and compliance with international best practices ensure robust protection of data in transit and at rest.

Committed to GDPR, we employ data anonymization, strict access controls, and regular employee training on data handling. Following internationally recognized standards, we ensure customer data is handled with care and privac.

We provide high quality and cost effective services.

Navigating Success: Unveiling Our Collective Expertise and Insightful Solutions" Unveil our experience and leverage the genuine knowledge and practical expertise of our team to simplify complexity, aligning solutions with your objectives. With our collective wisdom and diverse real-world experience, actively navigate challenges alongside us, and let us deliver sincere solutions and meaningful insights for your endeavors.

Embedded Software - 10 years Experience
Web Development - 7 years Experience
ML - Data Science - 5 years Experience
Block Chain - 3 years Experience


Analysis and Planning

The first and most crucial step is defining the objectives and core functions of that new product needs. It is important to identify potential challenges early and devise strategies for mitigation.



This step includes architectural design to outline the software's structure and components. We have technical and well-designed software that can solve core business needs.



When the design prototype is ready, the software development process smoothly moves into the coding phase, where all the magic occurs.


Testing for Perfection

After implementation, the process smoothly moves to the QA phase. Testing is a process that proves that software meets quality standards and operates appropriately.


Deployment and Maintenance

The final point is deployment - the stage when the product is released to users. In this phase, a lot of planning is required to minimize downtime.